Gubesch Thermoforming GmbH
The Gubesch Group in its current form is a relatively young company - with a lot of experience. A contradiction? Only at first glance. Because the Gubesch Group is made up of various divisions and companies, each of which can look back on a long-standing experience spectrum. But only the effective cross-technology cooperation constitutes the uniqueness of our company: For thus it is possible to provide each customer with complete solutions rather than just plastic parts. The Gubesch Group is positioned as a solution specialist and module development partner on the base of innovative thermoforming and injection molding technologies, which are integrated in OneShot-Processes to realize efficient light weight solutions for large scale applications. Our interdisciplinary development expertise and the wide spectrum of manufacturing and processing technologies enable us to manufacture products and modules with high functional integration. Those represent a real benefit for our customers.
Kontaktdaten :
Mr. Jens Klug, Head of Sales
Tel. +49 9104 8270-222 info(at)