The autonomous car is coming, but it is not coming alone. It brings a lot with it: significant impact on vehicle design, HMI concepts, mobility concepts (e.g. public transport) and new IT and communication infrastructure. At the same time, new developments in these areas influence the feasibility and timing of autonomous functionalities.
At EcoSystem High Automated Driving 2019 (EcoSysHAF) we invite you to think outside the box to illuminate the mutual impact of autonomous driving on other aspects such as transport modes, new business models and the necessary (IT) infrastructure. At this…
Welcome to EcoSysHAF 2019
The autonomous car is coming, but it is not coming alone. It brings a lot with it: significant impact on vehicle design, HMI concepts, mobility concepts (e.g. public transport) and new IT and communication infrastructure. At the same time, new developments in these areas influence the feasibility and timing of autonomous functionalities.
At EcoSystem High Automated Driving 2019 (EcoSysHAF) we invite you to think outside the box to illuminate the mutual impact of autonomous driving on other aspects such as transport modes, new business models and the necessary (IT) infrastructure. At this forum, the focus is not only on technological developments, but also on the holistic view from the individual to the impact on society as a whole.
The aim is to look at the topic from different perspectives and get a feel for the interests and constraints of the other aspect.
Specialist experts will speak on the main topics:
New vehicle concepts: shuttles, interiors of the future ...
Technology: data management, blockchain for mobility ...
Mobility and transport: impact on public transport, megatrend urbanization ...
IT developments: Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing ...
Speakers from Volkswagen AG, Schaeffler Paravan Technologie GmbH & Co. KG, EDAG BFFT Electronics (EDAG Group), DENSO ADAS Engineering Services GmbH, CMORE Automotive GmbH, ZF Car eWallet GmbH, IAV GmbH, IABG mbH, TU Munich and the German Aerospace Center e.V. have already confirmed. (DLR).
(Bayern Innovativ reserves the right to make unavoidable program changes).
For the first time at EcoSysHAF, several exciting young companies from the field of autonomous driving will present their innovative ideas and products in start-up pitches.
In addition, the accompanying trade exhibition will provide additional impetus for initiating further collaborations in this dynamic field of innovation.
We have designed EcoSysHAF 2019 for you
Specialists and executives from: Automotive industry, mobility providers, urban planners, public transport operators, consulting companies, (IT) service companies & software companies, municipalities
With the areas of responsibility
New business models, business field development, business development, innovations, innovation management, digital business transformation, cooperations, partner management, network building, strategy
... and all those who want to take advantage of the opportunities of automation in the automotive sector
Participant fee
* incl. VAT 19%
Price (gross)*
Price (net)
Business/Research Organizations
523,60 €
440,00 €
297,50 €
250,00 €
Partners of the cluster Automotive, Energy Technology, New Materials/Members of the Forum MedTech Pharma e.V
Implications of automated driving for society and the transport system with special consideration of public transport.
Kerstin Stark Research Associate, Institute of Transport Research, Department of Mobility and Urban Development, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin. (DLR), Berlin
DENSO Activity Toward Future Mobility Society (in English)
Hiroto Uesaka AD and MaaS Business Senior Strategist, Technical Planning Dev, DENSO Corporation, Global R&D, Tokyo, Japan
Lunch, networking and visit to the exhibition
Distribution of roles between man and machine at HAF
Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler Chair of Ergonomics, Technical University of Munich, Garching
Humans as part of highly automated systems: User-centered use cases in a cross-industry comparison or why empathy, emotions and expectations are relevant to safety!
Prof. Dr. Harald Schaub Head of Safety & Security Academy, IABG mbH, Center of Competence Safety & Human Factors, Ottobrunn
StartUp Pitches:
ANAVS GmbH, Munich
Automotive AI GmbH, Berlin
Blickfeld GmbH, Munich
Dromos, Munich
Kopernikus Automotive UG, Berlin
Coffee break, networking and visit to the exhibition
Car eWallet - Open blockchain transaction platform for mobility-related services.
Thorsten Weber Managing Director/CEO, ZF Car eWallet GmbH, Berlin
Integrated data management for efficient validation of autonomous vehicles
Franz Gaber Program Manager Data Management & Processing Platform, CMORE Automotive GmbH, Lindau
Quantum Computing for Mobility at Volkswagen (in English)
Dr. Gabriele Compostella, CTO and Sheir Yarkoni, Quantum Computing Researcher Volkswagen Data:Lab, Munich
Wrap-Up and Goodbye
Get-together in the exhibition
Bayern Innovativ reserves the right to make unavoidable program changes
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This was EcoSysHAF 2019
For sixteen years, the Automotive Cluster has conceived an annual congress on the state of the art in driver assistance systems. But the topic has long outgrown its boundaries. Therefore, for 2 years now, we have not only dedicated ourselves to the technology surrounding driver assistance systems, but have also taken a holistic view of the topic of highly automated driving. This year, the expert forum EcoSystem Highly Automated Driving 2019 took place in the Inselhalle in Lindau (Lake Constance).
In addition to the technology (sensors, AI), the speakers also highlighted the interaction between autonomous vehicles and their environment. This is because autonomous driving is not just about sensors and software, but also has an impact on vehicle design (e.g., different interior concepts), HMI (e.g., attention to a handover of control), holistic mobility (e.g., effect on public transport), and new IT and communications infrastructure (e.g., data management). At the same time, these areas influence the feasibility of autonomous vehicles.
Over 110 attendees and exhibitors gathered on June 03 to discuss the future of autonomous driving and its impact from the automotive industry to society with each other.
Our conclusion:
The technology for autonomous driving is very advanced, but there is still a lot to be done in the related areas. The transition phase in particular, when there is a mix of autonomous and manual-driving vehicles on the road, can lead to difficult situations and misunderstandings.
The people inside the vehicle (the "driver" who is no longer actually driving) will need to understand the current limitations of the technology to avoid inadvertently putting themselves in danger, and they will need to take over quickly in complicated situations, even though attention has been elsewhere until then.
People outside the vehicle (e.g., pedestrians) will have to interpret an autonomous car's communications and behavior, and will have to learn new rules of conduct themselves.
In addition, much optimization will be needed on infrastructure (such as highways and roads), e.g., improved lane markings, until vehicles can drive on their own without a safety driver.