
CoSMoS 2019 - Conference on Smart Mobility Services

12. March 2019

09:00 - 19:00

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Esplanade 10
85049 Ingolstadt
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Whether it's the ruling of the Federal Administrative Court on diesel driving bans in cities or the European Court of Justice's action against Germany for excessive nitrogen oxide pollution, the discussion on the topic of mobility is more topical than ever. It is not enough just to think about new forms of drive, as this will not reduce the number of cars on our roads. What is needed are intelligent, holistic, sustainable mobility concepts to cope with the rising volume of traffic, noise and exhaust emissions, and the busy parking infrastructure in our cities.

CoSMoS 2019 - Conference on Smart Mobility Services

Whether it's the ruling of the Federal Administrative Court on diesel driving bans in cities or the European Court of Justice's action against Germany for excessive nitrogen oxide pollution, the discussion on the topic of mobility is more topical than ever. It is not enough just to think about new forms of drive, as this will not reduce the number of cars on our roads. What is needed are intelligent, holistic, sustainable mobility concepts to cope with the rising volume of traffic, noise and exhaust emissions, and the busy parking infrastructure in our cities.

CoSMoS 2019: Digital, intelligent, connected, sustainable

Great potential lies in intelligent and digitally connected mobility services, the Smart Mobility Services. They enable existing transport infrastructures to be optimized and intermodal transport chains to be  realized. "Enablers" of these smart mobility services are smartphones and networked, mobile devices.

Current studies assess new digital business models around "sharing" and "mobility on demand" with an annual revenue potential of around 343.5 billion euros by 2030. This gives rise to a number of questions:

  • What potential do intelligent mobility services offer for people, companies and municipalities?
  • What role will Urban Air Mobility play for the cities of the future?
  • How will the business models and value chains of car manufacturers and mobility providers change?
  • What information is needed for sustainable, integrated mobility planning?
  • How will Big Data and Artificial Intelligence be used in the mobility environment today and in the future?

The Conference on Smart Mobility Services (CoSMoS), jointly conceived by the Automotive Cluster and the Ingolstadt University of Technology, will showcase innovative solutions from science and industry. Let's discuss together how to better exploit the opportunities of smart mobility services for established and new players in the automotive and mobility industry, for start-ups, municipalities and, above all, for people. Be there, join the discussion and get inspired!

We have designed CoSMoS 2019 for you ...

Specialists and executives from the automotive industry, mobility providers, car sharing, bike sharing, long-distance buses, public transport operators, local and long-distance transport, consulting companies, (IT) service companies & software companies, municipalities - with responsibilities in the areas of: New business models, business field development, business development, innovations, innovation management, digital business transformation, cooperations, partner management, network building, strategy.

... and everyone who wants to seize the opportunities of the mobility transformation!

Networking in social media

Get to know other participants in advance of the event and recommend the event in your network! Visit our XING event page: Xing event page CoSMoS 2019

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Exhibitor fee complete stand:

Stand size approx. 6 m² (3 x 2 m):

Exhibitors from the field of business/research organization € 400,- *
Exhibitors from the university/authority sector: € 240,- *
Exhibitors who are partners of the Automotive Cluster or members of Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. are: € 320,- *
StartUps: € 165,- *
* All prices plus VAT at 19%.

This price includes the following services:

  • Basic equipment: space, table, chairs, power supply
  • Elevator pitch in plenary
  • Organizational support by staff of Bayern Innovativ GmbH
  • Display on the event website (logo and linking)
  • 1 exhibitor pass (incl. Participation in the event and catering)
  • 2 pages of exhibitor contribution in the conference documentation (submission of the contribution until February 22, 2019)
  • Provision of the conference documentation before the event

Application documents for download:

This was CoSMos 2019

Annually, we design the Conference on Smart Mobility Services (CoSMoS for short) together with Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, where we showcase pioneering projects for the smart mobility of tomorrow and bring together forward and lateral thinkers from the automotive industry, mobility providers, car sharing providers, public transport operators, local and long-distance transport companies, consulting firms, (IT) service providers & software companies and municipalities to present and discuss new paths to the mobile future. 200 participants attended this year's event.

The CityAirbus in Ingolstadt doesn't fly (yet) - it's a prototype

Urban Air Mobility was a key topic at CoSMos 2019, and fittingly, the CityAirbus was presented one day before the event in Ingolstadt. The electric-powered air cab with four seats and eight rotors could play an important role in the mobility of densely populated metropolises in the future - for example, to transport passengers between the airport and the city center, for patient transport or for urgent cargo flights. Learn more!

Impressions of the CoSMos 2019

Download program flyer

Welcome & Opening
Prof. Dr. Walter Schober
President, Ingolstadt University of Technology
Smart Mobility Services - what's new!
Jennifer Reinz-Zettler
Project Manager Mobility & Automotive Cluster, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuremberg
Elements of sustainable urban mobility using the example of Ingolstadt
Dr. Christian Lösel
Lord Mayor, Ingolstadt
Zukünftige Mobilität im Urbanen Luftraum / Future of Urban Air Mobility
Dr. Andreas Thellmann
Program Manager Urban Mobility, Airbus
Smart Mobility Services: The Future of On-Demand Mobility
Dr. Kathrin Dudenhöffer
Senior Business Developer, Mobility Services, BMW Group, Munich
MAAS - Mobility as a Service | The End of Car Ownership?
Stephan miller
Head of Taxi & PHV, MaaS Global, Helsinki, Finland
Elevator - Pitches
Lunch break in the trade exhibition
Best practice - shared on-demand mobility
Lisa Rapport-Moersch
Associate Public Policy, Uber, Berlin
Innovation & Ownership @Mobility Transformation
Thomas Gallner
Head of Corporate Innovation Management, Continental, Regensburg
Complementing public transport with electric scooter sharing
Tobias Langwieler
Senior Business Development Manager, Wunder Mobility, Hamburg
University pitches - mobility of the future
Automotive & Mobility Management study program
Ingolstadt University of Technology
Autonomous Shuttle in Public Transport - A Welfare-Theoretical Perspective
Markus Derer
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence - Delimitation and Areas of Application in the Environment of Mobility
Philipp Altinsoy
Mobility platforms on the way to the smart city using the example of Munich and Nuremberg
Fabian Schmid & Jakob Zacharias
Ecosystem of a car sharing solution for business customers
Sarah Wyklicky
Coffee break and networking
The road to the smart city: What role does networked infrastructure play in the urban mobility of the future?
Tobias Wagner
Co-Founder & CEO, ChargeX GmbH
Multimodal mobility offers in residential quarters
Christian Stupka
Shareholder, STATTBAU München GmbH, Munich
Erwin J. Schimmer
Managing Director, GRUND-IDEE Wohn- und Gewerbebau GmbH, Eching-Dietersheim
On the Way to an Integrated, Sustainable Mobility Concept - Networking Study of the Munich Metropolitan Region
Wolfgang Wittmann
Managing Director, European Metropolitan Region Munich e.V.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Schmidt, Markus, MBA, PMP®
Project partner, Drees & Sommer Infra Consult und Entwicklungsmanagement GmbH, Munich
The Innovation & Mobility Lab of the THI from the transfer project People on the Move
Fabienne Geis
Research associate in the project Man on the Move, Automotive & Mobility Management, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences
Intermodal Mobility Hubs - An Approach to connect Future Mobility
Prof. Dr. Harry Wagner
Head of the Automotive & Mobility Management program, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences
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