While deployments of the 5th generation of mobile communication are still underway, research for the follow-up generation, 6G, has already begun. 6G will expand the speed and capabilities of the networks further, to enable applications with significantly higher networking requirements, such as real-time digital twins or a haptic, holographic Internet. 6G moves the focus from machines to human beings and to human interaction with the physical and virtual environment.
Implementing this 6G vision over a development cycle of 10 years requires a strategic plan that defines what is needed in terms of research, technology developments, service and application enablers, standards, policies and government actions, and the building of ecosystems to create and capture value. This white paper provides six insights into 6G, as input for developing such a strategic plan. In addition, we provide a list of ten recommendations for where the industry should focus, and ten areas that require additional research.
This paper was developed by Thinknet 6G at Bayern Innovativ GmbH in cooperation with the MÜNCHNER KREIS.