Sven Rausch

Position: CEO von ENER-IQ

Sven is a full-time nerd with a passion for computer science, math and science-fiction.

He is working as CEO of ENER-IQ - a software company using AI to make heating systems more efficient. At Energiezentrale Nord GmbH - a leading engieering company in the field of energy efficiency - he is CTO and responsible for the company's technological development.

All in all Sven founded 10 companies in the last 20 years. (software development, online journal, hosting and video streaming, telecommunications, fitness and sports, energy efficiency, social media and IT services) and has still several projects on his todo list.

He started programming in the age of 8 in BASIC using an old Acer 500.

Moved to web dev. and co-founded one of europes biggest websites about 'case modding' with over 300k PI a day - when he was 12.

As a teenager he had a very good time doing some hardware projects, developed browser games, a one click sharehoster and a video streaming platform.

At university (B.Sc. + M.Sc. Computer Science) his interests were about database systems and caching, but after some years he moved his focus to data science and artificial intelligence - where he still is. :-)