
Circular materials - innovations for the future

6. October 2022

09:00 - 17:00

Leonardo Royal Nürnberg
Bahnhofsplatz 3
90443 Nürnberg
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Circular materials can reduce costs along the entire value chain and increase the economic efficiency of processes. In addition, sustainable production can make an essential contribution to a viable and sustainable way of life and economy. However, in order to be able to close material cycles, innovative ways of recycling are also needed in order to open up previously unclosed value chains. Increasing productivity by recycling materials, sustainable production and innovative recycling approaches are among the topics of the event . The challenges and opportunities of the circular economy as…

Material cycles - challenges and opportunities

Circular materials can reduce costs along the entire value chain and increase the economic efficiency of processes. In addition, sustainable production can make an essential contribution to a viable and sustainable way of life and economy. However, in order to be able to close material cycles, innovative ways of recycling are also needed in order to open up previously unclosed value chains. Increasing productivity by recycling materials, sustainable production and innovative recycling approaches are among the topics of the event "Circular Materials - Innovations for the Future" . The challenges and opportunities of the circular economy as well as the potentials in the recycling of materials will be highlighted across all material classes and across industries as well as synergies. The entire process chain, from design to recycling, will be considered.

Make valuable contacts

We will network you with manufacturers and material developers, scientists, as well as technology providers and users across the entire cycle - from raw materials, design for recycling and sustainable processing to innovative recycling methods.

Why should you attend?

  • Networking with experts* from business, industry and academia across all material classes
  • 11 expert presentations and numerous exhibitors
  • Overview of current trends in circular economy and recycling
  • Current insights into technologies, processes and science with future outlook
  • Getting to know start-ups in the field of "Innovations for Circular Materials" in the exhibition

The number of participants is limited. Among others, representatives from Bosch, the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Burckhardt of Switzerland, Fraunhofer LBF, Holz Schiller, Krall Kunststoff-Recycling, Mangelberger Elektrotechnik, Rommel SF, Schaeffler, Schwan Cosmetics, UVEX and the University of Zurich have already registered.

The event will be held in German.


Registration for the event is open until 09/30/2022

Category Price (gross)* Price (net)
Business / Research Organization 392,70 330,00 €
University / Authority / Start-ups 196,35 € 165,00 €
Cluster-Partner 314,16 € 264,00 €
Students 78,54 € 66,00 €
University Cluster Partners 157,08 132,00 €
* incl. current legal VAT.

Registration for the exhibition

Parallel to the event, we offer you the opportunity to participate as an exhibitor in the accompanying trade exhibition. The exhibition offers you an ideal platform to present your technologies, products and services in an innovation-oriented environment.

Click here to register an exhibition stand

Scope of services

  • Basic infrastructure for your stand (approx. 3 x 2 m area, power connection, 1 table, 2 chairs)
  • Organizational support by Bayern Innovativ GmbH staff
  • 2 exhibitor passes (incl. participation in the congress, catering)
  • Participation in the pitch sessions
  • Promotion of the company on the event website (company logo, brief description of the company)

Exhibition fee

Registration for the exhibition is possible until 09/30/2022

Category Price (gross)* Price (net)
Business / Research organization 785,40 € 660,00 €
University / Authority / Start-ups 392,70 € 330,00 €
Cluster-Partner 628,32 € 528,00 €
University Cluster Partner 314,16 € 264,00 €
* incl. current legal VAT.

This event will be held in German. The lecture titles are translated exclusively for this website.

Dr. Rainer Seßner
Managing Director | CEO, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuremberg
Challenges and opportunities of the circular economy
Why not save the world?
Lisa Reehten
CEO, Bosch Climate Solutions
Contribution of metal recycling to the German supply of raw materials
Paul Mählitz
Environmental engineer, Deutsche Rohstoff Agentur, Berlin
Circular economy of plastics - routes, technologies, prospects for success
Prof. Dr. Holger Ruckdäschel
CEO, Neue Materialien Bayreuth
More info

Plastics have become an important part of our daily lives. They have shaped technological development in recent decades and are also important problem solvers for our current global challenges. At the same time, it is important that, unlike in the past, we recycle a large proportion of plastics in the future and reuse them as valuable materials. Only with a holistic view from raw material selection, design and use to recycling can the full potential of the circular economy be leveraged. Various examples such as single-material components or digitally supported manufacturing or recycling processes will be used to highlight the current state of the art and future possibilities.

Pitches of the exhibitors
Lunch break and visit to the exhibition
Design4Recycling and sustainable production
Design for Recycling - Battery innovation for regenerative management in closed cycles
Dr. Bernd Rosemann
Academic Director, Chair of Environmental Production Engineering, University of Bayreuth
Gregor Ohnemüller
Research Associate, University of Bayreuth
Challenge Life Cycle Analysis: Fact or Fake?
Dr. Michael Kobes
Manager Sustainable Products & Advanced Materials, Schaeffler Group, Herzogenaurach
More info

The Schaeffler Group's goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. The basis for the optimization of the carbon footprint of our products are life cycle analyses which provide information about the resulting shares of the total footprint and allow to compare different options for optimization and thus to select efficient measures. The presentation uses a product example to illustrate the calculation of the CO2 footprint and shows the strengths and weaknesses of the method.

Sustainable production in powder-based additive manufacturing
Vanessa Seidenschwarz
Product Manager Polymer Material, EOS GmbH, Krailing
Coffee break in the exhibition
Industrial approaches to materials recycling
The steel future is scrap - low-carb steel from Bavaria
Mario Reichert
Technical Managing Director, LSV Lech-Stahl Veredelung GmbH, Landsberg am Lech
More info

Steel has a high circulation rate in terms of the circular economy. LSV, a subsidiary of the only steel mill in Bavaria, highlights the advantages of the group as the largest Bavarian recycling company with regard to recycling and steel production. The steel scrap used will become increasingly important in the steel industry as part of the decarbonization strategy. In addition to a high recycling rate, the recovery of by-products is also playing a greater role.

Why do we need mines? - Cradle2Cradle using the example of metal powder from e-waste
Rudolf von Stokar
Chairman of the Board, Reco Ventures AG / eWaste Recycling Global Ltd., Grünwald
More info

Reco Ventures AG recycles metallic industrial waste and electrical and electronic components such as computers, laptops, cell phones and industrial batteries completely and without the use of chemicals. The input weight of the components corresponds to the recycled material, this is a requirement of the European Union since the end of 2021. From this, we produce highly pure and highly fine metal powders and alloys that are used again in industry, in additive manufacturing.

AI-based recycling in the plastics industry using the example of hygienic protection panels.
Markus Krall
CEO, KRALL Kunststoff-Recycling GmbH, Elsenfeld am Main
Smart adhesives for more efficient material sorting in the recycling process
Dr. Ana Lucia Palencia Penagos
Customer Experience - Application Engineering, Nitto Deutschland GmbH, Garching b. München
More info

Adhesive bonding technology is widely used in numerous industries such as automotive, household goods, electronics or the construction industry. The reasons for this are many and varied. Adhesive bonding is a simple and established processing technique that leads to both weight reduction and cost savings. cost savings. With the increasingly relevant issue of environmental protection, a new challenge also arises a new challenge in the field of adhesive bonding technology: how can adhesive joints be easily How can adhesive bonds be easily dismantled or separated in order to separate materials more efficiently and recycle them? In order to new and innovative concepts such as "debonding on command" are being developed. "debonding on command" are being developed, which specifically influence the adhesive force by external factors such as heat, cold, electricity, humidity, etc. heat, cold, electricity, moisture, or even eliminate them altogether.

Lecture 11
Rauschert Heinersdorf-Pressig GmbH
Get-together in the exhibition

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4. Veranstaltungsort

Leonardo Royal Hotel Nürnberg Bahnhofsplatz 3 90443 Nürnberg

5. Ausstellung

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Weitere Details zur Ausstellung finden Sie hier: Zirkuläre Werkstoffe – Innovationen für die Zukunft

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