
Configurable RISC-V platforms for the Bavarian economy

1. December 2022

10:00 - 14:45

Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Mikrosysteme und Festkörper-Technologien EMFT
Hansastraße 27d
80686 München
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In this workshop, the needs especially of for Integrated with will be analyzed and the development of platforms will be defined. From this, preliminary work for processor subsystems can be determined, which will lay the foundations for later products.

Configurable RISC-V Platforms for the Bavarian Economy

In this workshop, the needs especially of SMEs for Integrated Circuits with Microprocessors will be analyzed and the development of platforms will be defined. From this, preliminary work for processor subsystems can be determined, which will lay the foundations for later products.

  • Qualitative flexible RISC-V subsystems from low power to high performance
  • Capture of requirement profiles for future applications and products from industry , automation technology , medical technology , automotive
  • certification for demanding applications

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Welcome and presentation of the goals of the event
Keynote speech on "Presentation of RISC-V activities at BayCDC
Impulse lecture on ""why is RISC-V a hype topic"? What are the advantages of developing with RISC-V?
Coffee break
Workshop Round A:
More info

To answer the following questions:

  • What is the current status regarding the use of RISC-V? What is the view of the companies regarding RISC-V?
  • What benefits are to be achieved by the use of a RISC-V based solution?

What challenges for SMEs currently exist that prevent the use of RISC-V?

Presentation of the results of the workshop round A
Meet & Greet with finger food
Keynote presentation on potential value propositions of BCDC with focus on RISC-V based developments.
Workshop Round B:
More info

To answer the following questions:

  • How can the identified challenges be solved?
  • Which value propositions should be prioritized, which value propositions are missing?

Which circuit IP is needed? Which pre-development should be driven?

Presentation of the results of workshop round B