
Quantum DevOps - New Application Areas for Machine Learning and Mathematical Optimization

29. September 2023

10:00 - 17:00

Bayern Innovativ GmbH
Am Tullnaupark
90402 Nürnberg
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In the second workshop on quantum computing for industrial applications by Bayern Innovativ together with Fraunhofer IIS, service providers as well as software and hardware vendors will learn the current state of play on the use of optimization and machine learning for and with quantum computing. We will give an outlook on what will happen in the next 2-5 years. Network with like-minded people and develop application profiles and visions with us. :

Mission: In the second workshop on quantum computing for industrial applications by Bayern Innovativ together with Fraunhofer IIS, service providers as well as software and hardware vendors will learn the current state of play on the use of optimization and machine learning for and with quantum computing. We will give an outlook on what will happen in the next 2-5 years. Network with like-minded people and develop application profiles and visions with us. Target group :

1. Service providers for optimization etc. 2. Software providers in the QC area 3. Hardware providers in the QC area 4. Stakeholders such as large companies with their own research strategy

Benefit for participants:

In this full-day workshop (in persona), we will elicit quantum computing application opportunities with you and will be happy to discuss them with you from concept to implementation, if necessary. Start projects: Quantum Computing and Quantum DevOps - A positioning in the value chain

  • Overview Status Quo Quantum DevOps
  • Vertical networking through the QC stack: hardware, software, applications
  • Sharpening your understanding of where to deploy QC as a service provider

Where do you stand?

In preparation for the workshop and in order to be able to target the topics and your concerns on this day, it would help us if you could answer some questions in advance (anonymity guaranteed):

After registering for the workshop, you will receive a confirmation of participation for this purpose with a link in which we will ask you about this in advance - quickly but concisely.

Topics addressed:

  • ML and mathematical optimization for quantum computing middleware / Quantum DevOps
  • Quantum computing-based machine learning - use cases / examples
  • Quantum computing-based mathematical optimization in logistics and AI
  • Harnessing QC with tools and helpers

The workshop is free to attend.

Welcome & introduction to the topic
Dr. Andreas Böhm
Head of ThinkNet Quantum Technology, Digitization, Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nuremberg
Case Study: deploying a complex, hybrid-classical-quantum QUBO solver in the cloud
Daniel Thuerck
Head of Development: Quantum Systems, Quantagonia GmbH
Accelerating development of quantum technologies using machine learning
More info

Contemporary quantum computers are extremely fragile devices that are highly sensitive to environmental noise and device imperfections; and as such require extensive and continuous calibration and characterization to ensure operations at the highest level of fidelity. Traditional techniques designed for research-grade prototype devices fail to scale when applied to the large industrial quantum computers with stringent requirements of efficiency and up-time. Modern machine learning based techniques rooted in Statistical Learning and Bayesian Optimal Experiment Design provide a suitable solution to this bottleneck, allowing scalable and adaptive characterization of these devices. We will describe techniques and tools developed by Qruise GmbH for applying data-driven learning of quantum computers models, and how these can be used to accelerate the development of such devices.

Coffee break
Workshop 1 - Where can AI and optimization support Q. HW&SW support?
More info

- Where are current technical bottlenecks?

- What is hindering development and growth?

- Where are possible interfaces with AI and optimization?

Lunch break
The DLR Quantum Computing Initiative: A Current Overview
Dr. Andreas Spörl
Machine Learning for Quantum System Software
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Feld
Group Head Quantum Machine Learning
Coffee break
Workshop 2 - What do consultants and users need in QC?
More info

- What are recurring hurdles?

- What does it take as a next step to get started with QC?

- What tools does it take to efficiently solve problems relevant to QC?

Socialising in the beer garden


Zur Vorbereitung für den Workshop und um die Themen und Ihre Belange zielgerichtet angehen zu können, würde es uns helfen, wenn Sie uns vorab einige Fragen beantworten könnten (Anonymität gewährleistet):

Quantencomputing as a Service
Quantencomputing als Kompetenz aufbauen

Haben Sie weitere Aspekte, die Sie geklärt haben wollen? Bringen Sie gerne Ihre Fragestellungen bereits zum Workshop mit.