On October 07 from 15:00 - 17:00, the ZD.B Digital Health/Medicine Topic Platform together with Fraunhofer IIS will host the first episode of the "Can Digital Health?" webinar series. Join us for the first webinar episode "Process Optimization in Hospitals" and discuss ideas for digital process transformation of hospitals! The webinar series will take place and is for you.
Webinar Series "Can Digital Health?"
1. Episode: "Process Optimization in Hospitals"
On October 07 from 15:00 - 17:00, the ZD.B Digital Health/Medicine Topic Platform together with Fraunhofer IIS will host the first episode of the "Can Digital Health?" webinar series. Join us for the first webinar episode "Process Optimization in Hospitals" and discuss ideas for digital process transformation of hospitals! The webinar series will take place online and is free for you.
Digitization of the Health System - Can Digital Health?
As existential and critical infrastructures, the numerous and diverse service providers of the German health system are exposed to multiple challenges. In addition to the medical and social trends, it is in particular the organizational changes and technical innovations, which already today but also in the future will have an enormous impact on these and the health system in general.
New technologies and digital applications promise all stakeholders, including the people to be treated, an improvement and a gain in comfort in medical care. However, there are still many manual and partly analog processes, for example, which often tie up valuable resources and thus take them away from their actual purpose in medical care or nursing. With the help of the modernization of the health system the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply, as well as also the experience and the well-being of those which can be treated are to be clearly increased and also the quality strengthened.
In the Webinarseries "Can digital health?" various topics with relation to the digitization of the health service are lit up. In addition to the numerous content-related topics such as digitized processes, digital care applications and much more, other areas such as funding and cybersecurity are also part of the webinar series.
1st Webinar Series "Process Optimization in Hospitals"
With the help of digital process optimization, it is possible to make hospital operations more efficient and effective, as well as improve the quality of care. This requires innovative solutions whose potential cannot yet be fully exploited at present. Obstacles include insufficient standardization of processes, lack of availability of patient information and large unused data silos. Here, electronic record systems, digital medical ecosystems between the various areas in the healthcare sector, and trend-setting medical procedures in particular offer great opportunities for supporting processes in a clinic. Digital process optimization therefore promises many new opportunities and added value for clinics, but also for patient care. Above all, practical implementation plays a major role in generating actual added value. But how can these solutions be concretely implemented in the course of hospital operations?
First lecture: Victor Naumann (M.Sc.), Fraunhofer IIS - What insights into the digital transformation of critical infrastructures can be transferred to the transformations of hospitals?
The Fraunhofer Institute IIS explores this question in their lecture on "Can health be digital?". In their presentation, they report on their experiences of introducing digital services at a German airport and what parallels can be drawn to a smart hospital. Airports as well as hospitals belong to so-called critical infrastructures. The digital transformation of critical infrastructures faces complex challenges compared to other industries. These challenges of a highly regulated area, with sensitive data and complex processes will be examined in more detail in the lecture and discussed in the context of use cases and impulses.
Second lecture: Univ. Prof. Dr. Marcus Hudec, Data Technology GmbH & Co. KG - Artificial Intelligence as an intelligent assistant in clinical practice
In the context of the lecture, Marcus Hudec addresses the question of the extent to which analytical models based on methods of machine learning and artificial intelligence can contribute to optimizing the operation of a hospital, based on a concrete use case for optimizing the bed utilization of an intensive care unit.
In this context, both exaggerated expectations and unnecessary fears of digital technologies and their effects are discussed and a problem-adequate use of these technologies is characterized. The central thesis is that digitalization and artificial intelligence can contribute to relieve people of routine activities and support them in making self-determined decisions, but can never take autonomous actions within a clinic responsibly.
Experience new perspectives & Join in!
The webinar takes place via the online tool Zoom. The webinar sequence is divided into two parts. In the first part, the two speakers will present their topics in a short impulse talk, each of which will be open to brief questions. The second part of the event will take place as a virtual barcamp format. Participants will have the opportunity to propose topics for various breakout rooms, on which all participants will then vote together. The chosen topics will be the subject of discussion in the breakout rooms. The breakout rooms are each accompanied by a moderator. The participants discuss the respective topics in the breakout rooms. Finally, the results of the individual sessions are briefly presented in plenary and the other participants have the opportunity to give their feedback before a conclusion is drawn.
We are using Zoom video conferencing software to host this online event. After successfully registering for the event using the link above, you will receive final information via email. The direct link to the Zoom meeting is included here.
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Webinar Series "Can Digital Health?" - Episode: "Process Optimization in Hospitals"
On October 07, the ZD.B topic platform Digital Health/Medicine, together with Fraunhofer IIS and Data Technology GmbH & Co. KG hosted the first installment of the webinar series "Can Digital Health?". 40 participants showed that the topic is seen as relevant in the healthcare sector.
Two exciting keynote speeches
The event was divided into two parts. The first part featured two impulse presentations followed by a discussion. In the second part, the participants previously discussed specific topics in two separate discussion groups. Finally, the group results were summarized once again in a large round.
The first keynote speech on the topic of "Which findings on the digital transformation of critical infrastructures can be transferred to the transformations of hospitals?" was given by Victor Naumann, group leader "Business Transformation" of the Fraunhofer SCS working group at Fraunhofer IIS. Digitalization examples from critical infrastructure with adaptation potential for clinics, a concept of the "Future Hospital" and various ideas on the approach for concrete implementation were highlighted.
The second keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Marcus Hudec, Associate University Professor at the University of Vienna in the Faculty of Computer Science, dealt with the topic of "Artifical Intelligence as an intelligent assistant in clinical practice". The benefits of analytical models and data were discussed. Using a concrete use case as an example, it was shown how the bed utilization of an intensive care unit can be optimized with the help of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and in general how the optimization potential for hospitals can be realized.
In-depth discussions in smaller rounds
Afterwards, a selection of topics took place, in which the participants could decide on two, in each case parallel, discussion rounds.
The first breakout room dealt with the adaptation from other areas for the digitalization of hospitals. Moderated by Victor Naumann and Sebastian Hilke, the participants identified key building blocks such as an insufficient importance of IT due to invisible economic benefits, a lack of interfaces and structured data, different interpretations of the DSGVO, and realistic implementation planning. As a next step, the participants agreed on the creation of a guideline for the implementation of the GDPR in medical and care facilities.
The second breakout room was about data and how it must be designed for added value. The second discussion was moderated by Prof. Marcus Hudec and Sebastian Freimann. Seclusion is not a solution, according to the participants. What is much more important is the networking, exchangeability and provision of data under open standards with simultaneous intelligent cybersecurity and data encryption. Clarifying the questions of who can use which data and which data can be used at all is also central. Accordingly, developing a data strategy is a sensible next step.
Fruitful webinar series
All in all, the first webinar series in the series: "Can Digital Health?" was a successful event. The presentations were followed with interest and the participants participated constructively in the subsequent discussions. We are already looking forward to the next webinar series and especially to you, dear participants, and to a great exchange with you!
Attachment: Screenshots Boards
Results of Theme 1: Adaptation
Results of Theme 2: Data
An overview of all episodes of the "Can Digital Health?" webinar series