
Biomedica on the Move

2. April 202

12:00 - 15:30

For eleven years, the "Biomedica" conference brought together participants from life sciences and medical technology in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine region and beyond. Since last year, there is a new, effective and streamlined format, the

The event will be postponed. Further information in the coming days.

For eleven years, the "Biomedica" conference brought together participants from life sciences and medical technology in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine region and beyond. Since last year, there is a new, effective and streamlined format, the


The central theme of the upcoming BIOMEDICA ON THE MOVE is : "Business Opportunities in Wearables & Artificial Intelligence for Health" and includes the individual topics

  • mobile / wearable devices in healthcare
  • monitoring in the hospital or at home
  • artificial intelligence
  • hardware software
  • data analytics
  • data security for medical data

The event, which includes short presentations, a collaboration exchange and a  Poster exhibition, is also the official kick-off meeting of the "wearIT4health" -Interreg V-A EMR project.


until 01 April 2020 Register for the event and when attending Partnering Event - Submission of a collaboration profile starting March 20, 2020 Online selection of interlocutors and appointment setting April 02, 2020 Biomedica on the Move event and individual collaboration meetings
