
Workshop 2 "Qualification roadmap: Skilled workers for the Bavarian semiconductor industry".

2. February 2023

13:00 - 17:00

Cluster Sensorik
Franz-Mayer-Straße 1
93053 Regensburg
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With the Bavarian Chips Alliance, Bavaria wants to position itself as a European center for chip design with its combination of strong industry and top research. For this, it needs well-trained employees. In three workshops, we will work with you and relevant stakeholders to develop new qualification concepts to secure skilled workers for the semiconductor industry. . Impulse - Broadening perspective, learning scenarios beyond traditional education and training concepts (tbd.) . Short presentation: results from workshop 1 "Job profiles and target groups: Employer needs meet employee…

Impulse and workshop:   "Our perspective - New approaches for education and training in the semiconductor industry"

With the Bavarian Chips Alliance, Bavaria wants to position itself as a European center for chip design with its combination of strong industry and top research. For this, it needs well-trained employees. In three workshops, we will work with you and relevant stakeholders to develop new qualification concepts to secure skilled workers for the semiconductor industry. "Our Future - Rethinking Education and Training" 1 . Impulse - Broadening perspective, learning scenarios beyond traditional education and training concepts (tbd.) 2 . Short presentation: results from workshop 1 "Job profiles and target groups: Employer needs meet employee needs" 3 . Interaction: development of concrete learning paths for the semiconductor industry (Moderation and leadership: Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e.V./Cluster Sensorik)

Go here to register

We will deepen the results of our workshop in another half-day session: Workshop 3: "Our Roadmap - Qualification in the Semiconductor Industry 2023" (Regensburg, February 2023, registration available soon)

The Strategic Partnership Sensor Technology e.V./Cluster Sensorik is organizing this workshop in cooperation with the Bavarian Chips Alliance. Participation is free of charge, but required due to limited availability of places.

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