
Chip Development - Needs of the Bavarian Industry

8. December 2022

10:00 - 14:45

Bayern Innovativ GmbH
Am Tullnaupark
90402 Nürnberg
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This workshop aims to identify which solutions are needed by Bavarian industry and SMEs to use their own integrated circuits.

Chip Development - Needs of Bavarian Industry

This workshop aims to identify which solutions are needed by Bavarian industry and SMEs to use their own integrated circuits.

The focus is on low-threshold access to unique selling points through the use of integrated circuits. In addition to technological capabilities, the focus is particularly on offers for support in the development chain and the use of integrated circuits.

Evolution of solutions for Bavarian industry especially SMEs regarding. the use of self-defined or self-developed, application-specific, integrated circuits. The event will therefore focus on:

  • Which needs exist for (application-specific) integrated circuits?
  • Which advantages are to be achieved by using own integrated circuits? What is technologically necessary for this?
  • What challenges for SMEs currently exist that prevent the use of integrated circuits?
  • How can these challenges be solved?
  • Which elements in a development / production chain should be simplified by a Bavarian Chip Design Center ?
  • Which circuit IP is needed? What preliminary development should be advanced?

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Welcome and presentation of the goals of the event
Keynote speech on "Concept of the BCDC and how Bavarian SMEs and start-ups can benefit from it in the long term".
Impulse lecture on "Definition, properties and advantages of integrated circuits, among others, on the basis of a concrete project example".
Coffee break
Workshop Round A:
More info

Workshop Round A: to answer the following questions:

  • What are the needs for (application specific) integrated circuits and For which applications?
  • What advantages should be achieved by using own integrated circuits?
  • What challenges for SMEs currently exist that prevent the use of integrated circuits?

What challenges for SMEs currently exist that prevent the use of integrated circuits?

Presentation of the results of the workshop round A
Meet & Greet with finger food
Impulse lecture on possible value propositions of the BCDC, based on the development process
Workshop Round B:
More info

To answer the following questions:

  • How can the identified challenges be solved?
  • Which value propositions should be prioritized, which value propositions are missing?
  • Which circuit IP is needed? Which pre-development should be driven forward?

Which circuit IP is needed? Which pre-development should be advanced?

Presentation of the results of workshop round B
Next Steps & Farewell