
Tackling Disinformation: How to uncover Deep Fakes

27. Juni 2023

14:00 - 15:00 Uhr

Politicians being arrested, celebrities embarrassing themselves or unbelievable discoveries in the middle of nowhere: We have all seen photos and videos that seemed to be shocking, fascinating, or funny – but turned out to be just fake. We don’t have to stretch our minds very far to imagine scenarios, in which so called Deep Fakes are no longer funny or enter-taining but have severe consequences on our social and political systems, our work or per-sonal life. Will we be able to unmask fake information created by AI in the future? How are security researchers already tackling this issue? Join…

Tech Days 2023 - 27. Juni 2023, Muffatwerk München

Session on Cybersecurity - Tackling Disinformation: How to uncover Deep Fakes

Politicians being arrested, celebrities embarrassing themselves or unbelievable discoveries in the middle of nowhere: We have all seen photos and videos that seemed to be shocking, fascinating, or funny – but turned out to be just fake. We don’t have to stretch our minds very far to imagine scenarios, in which so called Deep Fakes are no longer funny or enter-taining but have severe consequences on our social and political systems, our work or per-sonal life. Will we be able to unmask fake information created by AI in the future? How are security researchers already tackling this issue? Join us for our session to find answers to these questions.

We start with two impulses:

Impulse #1: Peter Grönquist, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Impulse #2: Raphael Antonius Frick, Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT

Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion, for which Amela Gjishti, Co-Founder and Co-Director Responsible Technology Hub, will join us as well.

Tackling Disinformation: How to uncover Deep Fakes
Impulse talk #1: Peter Grönquist, École Polytechique Fédérale de Lausanne
Impulse talk #2: Raphael Antonius Frick, Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT
Panel Discussion
Bianca Sum
Bayern Innovativ GmbH (Moderator)
Peter Grönquist
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Raphael Antonius Frick
Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT
Amela Gjishti
Co-founder and Co-director Responsible Technology Hub